The existence of PAYDAY 3 was announced in 2016, and a year later, it was revealed that the project was already in production. The announcement excited fans, but that hype gradually turned into concern as the years passed without much information about PAYDAY 3. Was it stuck in development hell?
Now, almost 7 years after the public announcement of PAYDAY 3 and after numerous business problems, Starbreeze finally gave us a glimpse of the product. As part of the Xbox Game Showcase at Summer Game Fest 2023, the developer provided a new look at the project, aiming to rejuvenate the series a decade after the release of its last installment.
But does it manage to make the necessary adjustments for PAYDAY to return to its former glory? Starbreeze invited us to a virtual presentation and allowed us to play the game in order to answer that question. Want the short answer? It's heading in the right direction.
Video: Payday 3 Gameplay Trailer | Xbox Showcase 2023
PAYDAY 3 aims to be the perfect heist
It may sound crazy, but it has been 10 years since PAYDAY 2 debuted and became a sensation. Although you may remember 2013 as if it were yesterday, the reality is that a decade can feel like centuries, especially in an industry that advances rapidly like the gaming industry.
One of the most significant changes for PAYDAY, marking a completely new era for the franchise, is that Starbreeze developed it using Unreal Engine 4. Previous installments were made using Diesel, a game engine developed by the now-defunct company Grin in 2001. While Diesel received updates and modifications, the switch to Unreal Engine allows Starbreeze to have modern tools without investing development resources. It's worth mentioning that Starbreeze confirmed their plan to upgrade PAYDAY 3 to Unreal Engine 5 in the future, so it's only a matter of time before the game takes advantage of the latest technologies from Epic Games.

During the hours I played PAYDAY 3, I had the opportunity to participate in 2 heists, both set in New York City, which serves as the backdrop for this new story. The first was a heist on a small bank branch. The mission was simple: infiltrate, enter the vault from the roof, and escape with the money. Well... it was a bit more complicated than that. We had to take hostages, eliminate a bunch of police officers, and make a run for our van before reinforcements arrived. The second heist took us to an art gallery, where the plan was to enter stealthily, take some paintings, and escape on a helicopter waiting on the rooftop. It was an intense heist, as a small mistake revealed our true identities as art enthusiasts. So, what was the small mistake? Accidentally detonating a grenade before entering the premises.
Both missions were incredibly entertaining, showing us that PAYDAY 3 not only brings new options but also features interesting and highly enjoyable heists. I was delighted to see that after 2 installments and over a decade, PAYDAY can still come up with fresh and refreshing ideas. While previous installments have taken us on bank heists and infiltrations into art galleries, the small mission details (such as finding and using QR codes to open doors) will surprise veteran players. Additionally, the levels are well-crafted to avoid fatigue and make each return to a heist feel slightly different, which is important considering that it's a game designed to be played over and over again.
All of this sounds good, but what noticeable changes can we expect from PAYDAY 3? First and foremost, as expected, this new installment looks much better. Of course, you shouldn't expect top-of-the-line graphics of this generation, but you can see the evolution in textures, lighting, and especially character models.
Of course, Starbreeze also took the opportunity to implement new ideas in PAYDAY 3. One of the main additions is the hostage situations, which are just as they sound. At the start of a heist, you'll have the opportunity to take civilians hostage and hold them against their will. This will allow you to negotiate with the authorities and gain benefits that can make the difference between escaping with millions or ending up in prison. In the demo, we were able to utilize hostages to restore health and even gain extra time, which was crucial for breaching the floor and accessing the vault containing the money.
Another significant change is that the phase without masks has gained more relevance. In previous installments, you could only use this spectator mode to scout the area and not much else. Now, you can perform actions such as lock-picking (there's a new mini-game for that), which makes it a more meaningful phase. Additionally, there are new movement options like vaulting (being able to jump over barriers), making movement through the maps feel more natural. These small changes make PAYDAY 3 feel like a refreshed experience.

A few paragraphs back, I mentioned that a decade can feel like centuries in gaming, and I can assure you that I don't say it lightly. I hadn't played PAYDAY 2 for several years, so I decided to go back to it after trying out the PAYDAY 3 demo to truly feel the evolution. What a change! The formula remains almost intact, but small details like movement and gunplay have been drastically improved to the point that aiming feels like night and day. The new installment has made those necessary adjustments to make it feel like a game from 2023, leaving behind the slight clumsiness of its 2013 release.
In many ways, PAYDAY 3 will be more of the same, but if something isn't broken, why fix it? The same formula of heists that made PAYDAY and PAYDAY 2 huge successes returns in the way you love. However, as mentioned before, that doesn't mean it lacks evolution. It's evident that Starbreeze identified areas that needed improvement and made key changes that will allow PAYDAY 3 to be better prepared for the future. The result is an experience better suited to modern standards and one that seems poised for success.
PAYDAY 3 will be released on Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, and PC on September 21, 2023. It's worth noting that it will be available directly on Xbox Game Pass, offering easy access to subscribers.