Rhythm and musical games for PC that you should play during 2023 - Part 3

This is the last beat

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We are almost in the middle of January and with this, we finish the trilogy of the best rhythm and music games for PC. In this third part, we bring you the last but not least games that you should not miss during 2023. And in case you haven't seen the previous parts, you can click here to see part 2 and click here for part 1.

BPM: Bullets Per Minute
BPM: Bullets Per Minute

There is a wide variety of rhythm games, we can find titles that opt for unique gameplay, others bring a beautiful art style with a good story, and others give us a complex and entertaining gameplay style that gives us a great sense of immersion. Some create a set of songs by themselves and resonate with a large part of the community.

This category of video games is very wide and unique, and that's why we want to bring you a wide selection of rhythm and musical titles for you to try during 2023. As a recommendation, you can save this article in your favorites to come back later in the year and check which games you haven't finished yet.

Titles that must be purchased

Many titles in the rhythm category require to be purchased, however, some have a very affordable cost, while others may be better with a discount. Don't forget to take a look at each title and add to your wishlist the ones that you feel will be your new favorite games. The following games are ordered from lower to higher cost:

Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Remastered

Over three million people have learned to play guitar with the award-winning Rocksmith method that the title provides. This one is perfect if you have a guitar and still don't know how to play your favorite songs.

No Straight Roads: Encore Edition

This game brings a stunning art style and mixes it with a rockin' action adventure that mashes together rhythm-infused third-person combat with a kick-ass soundtrack!

BPM: Bullets Per Minute

If you like Doom-like games, BPM is a must-have! "It is a rhythm-action FPS rogue-like where you must shoot, jump and dodge to the beat of an epic rock soundtrack."


In Thumper you are a space beetle that travels through a "hellish void and confronts a maniacal giant head from the future." Everything with the help of the rhythm.

Metal: Hellsinger

If you remember the title BPM: Bullets Per Minute mentioned above, it has the same play style with the difference that you must "slay to the rhythm of metal and vengeance on an infernal journey through the eight Hells."

The feature that makes it more unique is that every track has been created specifically for the game by composer duo Two Feathers, with vocals by metal icons such as Serj Tankian (System of a Down), Randy Blythe (Lamb of God), Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy), and many more.

DJMAX Respect V

The game developers NEOWIZ state that this 2020 installment comes from the critically acclaimed DJMAX rhythm franchise. "Experience tracks from popular artists such as Marshmello, Porter Robinson, and Yukika, exclusive Full HD Music Videos, online multiplayer, new game modes, and more."

Free-to-play title

Not all rhythm games must be bought to enjoy their gameplay, here we bring one of those that you can freely play by just downloading it or even playing it on your web browser if you click on the title:

Friday Night Funkin'

This cartoon rhythm gaming excellence is so popular that 58,561 backers pledged $2,247,641 to help bring "Friday Night Funkin': The Full Ass Game." You can still play the free version on Newgrounds and then get to play the full game version in the future if you liked it.

Titles to be released

There are games that we can't enjoy yet, but most of them will be available during 2023. These titles have a demo available, which will help you decide if you should buy them. Let's start now:

Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets

Rhythm Sprout is an adorable "fast-paced rhythm action with original music and a wacky story mode. Step to the rhythm, fight to the beat, remix levels with modifiers, follow a quirky self-aware story in between." You can try its demo to discover the amazing and unique gameplay and music it offers. The planned release date is Q1 2023.

Bits & Bops

This amazing title is inspired by the Nintendo DS's highly acclaimed game Rhythm Heaven Fever. And the Steam page describes it as "a collection of original rhythm mini-games. Featuring over 20 mini-games filled with catchy music, snappy gameplay, and gorgeous, hand-drawn animation."

It has a demo available in case you want to give it a try. The launch date is yet to be announced.

Gun Jam

If you remember the titles BPM: Bullets Per Minute or Metal: Hellsinger listed above, then Gun Jam could be another "jam" to enjoy. Jaw Drop Games, the game developers, describe it as "a rhythm first-person shooter where the player must shoot to the beat to survive. It features a unique beat-pattern shooting mechanic and firefights synced to the original soundtrack in a vibrant world."

And don't worry about choosing the weapons to use within the game, it happens automatically if you hit notes accurately. It also has a demo available in case you want to give it a try. The launch date is yet to be announced.

You have reached the end of the list, and if we remember that this is the third part of these great recommendations you will know that you have three items to save and visit during 2023, even more, if you are a lover of video games and music alike. With nothing more to say, we hope that you have a great year full of games to enjoy with friends or by yourself!

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