Surgeons Use PlayStation Controllers to Perform Endoscopies Over 9300 km Away

A Swedish medical team conducted the procedure on a pig using a PS5 DualSense controller

Surgeons Use PlayStation Controllers to Perform Endoscopies Over 9300 km Away

A Swedish medical team conducted the procedure on a pig using a PS5 DualSense controller

Gaming has become a medium of entertainment closely tied to technological advancements; certainly, video games and consoles today are vastly different from those of 20 years ago. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that console peripherals are being used in other areas.

Over the years, we’ve seen companies and institutions use video game controllers and other accessories for all kinds of activities, from using the Steam Deck to control drones to employing the Xbox Kinect for medical imaging scans.

Now, a new report shows how a group of surgeons utilized PlayStation controllers to perform complex medical procedures remotely.

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Remote Endoscopies Performed with PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 5 Controllers

As reported by Fox News, Swiss surgeons successfully performed several endoscopies in a pioneering experiment that demonstrates the potential of technological advancements.

Specifically, surgeons from Switzerland performed the procedure on a pig located in Hong Kong, over 9300 kilometers away. The physician operated from a control console located in Zurich, watching the entire process via live stream. What stands out is that the surgeon used a PlayStation 3 Move controller by Sony.

Additionally, the report shows that other tests were conducted using the DualSense controller from PlayStation 5, which is known for its haptic feedback and features designed to increase gaming immersion.

Swiss surgeons use PlayStation controllers to perform remote endoscopies
Swiss surgeons use PlayStation controllers to perform remote endoscopies

This setup allows precise navigation within the pig's body as the endoscope is controlled through an external magnetic field, enabling complex maneuvers such as U-turns and biopsies. However, it presents significant challenges.

Although the experiment yielded promising results, the research highlights the need for a reliable, high-speed internet connection to carry out the procedure. Additionally, effective communication between remote surgeons and local staff is crucial. And of course, the safety and precision of robotic systems must be guaranteed.

One of the key achievements of this experiment was maintaining a latency of under 300 milliseconds, which is essential for the surgeon to respond promptly to any unforeseen issues during the procedure.

While remote surgeries on humans may still be a distant reality, this experiment shows they are possible and could be invaluable, especially in areas with a shortage of trained medical staff. The report even suggests that remote medical care could be provided to astronauts in space.

But tell us, what do you think of this significant medical advancement? Did you imagine that PlayStation controllers could be used for such procedures? Let us know in the comments.

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