Why will the PS5 Pro cost $699 USD? Experts believe it is expensive, but it is justified for this reason

The new Sony console was criticized for its high price

Why will the PS5 Pro cost $699 USD? Experts believe it is expensive, but it is justified for this reason

The new Sony console was criticized for its high price

As expected, Sony revealed the PlayStation 5 Pro this week, a more powerful version of its current console. The system has raised doubts and multiple criticisms, especially due to its high price of $699 USD and the need to purchase accessories like the base and the disc drive separately.

Technology experts agree that Sony’s new hardware is far from cheap and accessible to everyone. However, they believe the system’s cost is more than justified for a reason that not only affects the console market.

Why is the PlayStation 5 Pro expensive?

The price of the PlayStation 5 Pro is not to everyone's liking
The price of the PlayStation 5 Pro is not to everyone's liking

The price of the PlayStation 5 Pro was one of the most debated points about Sony’s new hardware. Some players think it is too high of a cost despite the improvements it will offer. For this reason, some are not willing to give it a chance and will stick with the base model of the system.

On the other hand, some believe that its price is justified by all the technology and features it will offer, as it will be the best way to enjoy video games within the PlayStation ecosystem.

Richard Leadbetter and John Linneman, members of Digital Foundry and technology experts, believe that while the console’s cost is indeed high and not affordable for everyone, they think the $699 USD is justified, though not necessarily from a technological standpoint.

"Consumer electronics are going up in price generally (...) "flagship [smartphones] are $1,000 upwards typically (...) probably will find an audience for this," said Leadbetter.

Linneman, on his part, believes that the criticism regarding the system’s price is due to the fact that the price of consoles from past generations has been relatively stable despite increases in production costs. However, in recent years, these costs have skyrocketed, making it very difficult to maintain hardware at prices similar to their predecessors.

"Electronics in general are becoming extremely expensive. It all makes sense why the [PS5 Pro] price is so high,” commented Linneman. Both experts reiterated that despite these factors, the PlayStation 5 Pro is undoubtedly an expensive system.


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