It’s one of the most beloved games on the Nintendo 64, and it might be coming to PC: Banjo-Kazooie could soon have an unofficial fan-made port

Enthusiasts have already completed the reverse engineering process of the popular Rare game

It’s one of the most beloved games on the Nintendo 64, and it might be coming to PC: Banjo-Kazooie could soon have an unofficial fan-made port

Enthusiasts have already completed the reverse engineering process of the popular Rare game

For months, a group of enthusiasts has been dedicated to performing reverse engineering on popular games from Nintendo 64. This has allowed them to bring the games to PC through unofficial ports. They have managed to release PC versions of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64, and more.

In July 2022, this group started a project to do the same with Banjo-Kazooie, a Rare game considered one of the gems of the Nintendo console. After many months of work, they have finally achieved their goal, opening the door to a native PC version of the platformer.

Banjo-Kazooie could soon have a PC port

Banjo-Kazooie could come to PC with multiple improvements thanks to an unofficial port
Banjo-Kazooie could come to PC with multiple improvements thanks to an unofficial port

Banjo-Kazooie holds a special place in the hearts of many players who enjoyed the Nintendo 64 era. For years, the franchise has been on ice, and its fans have been asking for a new installment; however, Rare and Xbox have not made it a reality.

Despite this, fans of the franchise are excited, as the project to decompile the game and create PC ports has finally been completed. Thus, it is possible that in a few months, we might see the game on PCs with a host of improvements in graphics, gameplay, and more.

Modders have done incredible things with previous Nintendo 64 games that received unofficial PC ports. Therefore, Banjo-Kazooie could be played with unlocked frame rates, 4K resolution, and support for ultra-wide screens.

By performing reverse engineering, the project creators avoid legal issues from Nintendo or any other company. This is because the ports do not use any copyrighted assets or leaked content, and additionally, a legal ROM is required to run them.

For now, there is no information on when the first PC ports of the platformer might be available. So Banjo-Kazooie fans will need to be patient to enjoy the original adventure with a few improvements.


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