Call of Duty: wave of bans shakes up Warzone and is coming soon to Modern Warfare III

Activision will punish players who took advantage of an anti-cheat system error

Call of Duty: wave of bans shakes up Warzone and is coming soon to Modern Warfare III

Activision will punish players who took advantage of an anti-cheat system error

A few days ago, the security system of Call of Duty experienced some issues. This caused the number of cheaters to increase significantly in Warzone and Modern Warfare III, affecting console, PC, and Game Pass users.

Activision worked on and resolved the situation, but it still has one pending task: to punish all the players who took advantage of the glitch. In fact, it already did so in Warzone, where there was recently a wave of bans. The cheaters of Modern Warfare III should be prepared, as the company has already announced that it is also coming after them.

Call of Duty will punish cheaters after Ricochet glitch

Developers strike against cheaters once again
Developers strike against cheaters once again

Ricochet, the security system of Call of Duty, had some technical problems last weekend. The number of reports of cheaters skyrocketed, and now Activision is working to sanction all the players who took advantage of the situation.

Through the franchise's social media, the company confirmed that it carried out a successful wave of bans in Warzone. Although it did not reveal how many users were sanctioned, it is clear that it has already taken action.

The good news is that it promised a similar wave of bans in Modern Warfare III. Thus, it is expected that the number of cheaters in multiplayer will decrease in the coming hours or days.

“The Ricochet Anti-Cheat team has deployed new detections targeting cheaters and boosters in Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play. The team has banned accounts caught in this sweep and leaderboards have been purged. A similar set of detections is in flight to target Ranked Play cheaters in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer,” the company said.

Part of the community is satisfied with Activision’s response to the issues with Ricochet; however, some players have criticized it for not being able to solve the root problem. Some fans claimed that the cheaters will be back in no time and expressed their disappointment.

Waves of bans shake up Call of Duty
Waves of bans shake up Call of Duty


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