NieR: Automata: Season 2 of the anime already has a release date, when will it debut?

The new episodes will have an opening performed by LiSA

NieR: Automata: Season 2 of the anime already has a release date, when will it debut?

The new episodes will have an opening performed by LiSA

Nier Automata Ver1.1a, the anime inspired by Yoko Taro's game, will soon return with a new season filled with action and emotional moments. The new episodes were confirmed late last year, and finally, they have a release date.

A-1 Pictures, the production team, shared a post on social media revealing the date and a special illustration for Season 2. Additionally, we now have a glimpse of the continuation of the series and its opening, performed by LiSA.

Season 2 of Nier Automata Ver1.1a will arrive in July

Fans of the franchise can mark their calendars, as the anime will make its long-awaited return in just a few weeks. Season 2 of Nier Automata Ver1.1a will debut on July 5th, when it starts streaming on Crunchyroll.

To accompany the news, A-1 Pictures shared a promotional image drawn by Jun Nakai, who is working on the production and has also been involved in Re:Creators, Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note, and other series.

The image features 2B, A2, and 9S, who will face a new threat. Additionally, we know that the opening of the new episodes is called Black Box and is performed by the popular singer LiSA.

The production of the anime faced some difficulties due to the pandemic, leading to several pauses. Fortunately for fans, the wait is almost over. The number of episodes in Season 2 is currently unknown. Below you can see the new image and a video:

Nier Automata Ver1.1a returns early next month
Nier Automata Ver1.1a returns early next month


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