[​i]Stellar Blade[​/i] studio, SHIFT UP, is close to producing an anime

The South Korean studio has ambitious plans to expand its franchises

[​i]Stellar Blade[​/i] studio, SHIFT UP, is close to producing an anime

The South Korean studio has ambitious plans to expand its franchises

SHIFT UP is experiencing its best moment after the huge success of [​i]Stellar Blade[​/b][/i]. The company has already revealed its plans to keep the momentum going and even intensify it with more projects, and has just revealed that among them could be an [b]anime.

As part of the preparations to become a public company and have a presence in the stock market, SHIFT UP has just published an extensive document on DART, a repository of corporate records from Korea listed on the stock exchange, according to the Korea Listed Companies Association (KLCA), revealing details of its operations and plans to expand its franchises.

SHIFT UP plans an anime: What IP will it be?

This isn't unusual for the South Korean company, as it has held numerous events to connect with its fans, whether digitally, online, or in person, including selling merchandise and soundtracks. What's noteworthy, however, is that in the document, SHIFT UP for the first time talks about expanding its franchises through an anime.

Without disclosing the name, SHIFT UP confirmed that it is currently in talks with "a leading Japanese animation producer" to create an anime for [​i]GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE[​/b][/i].

"Our approach not only increases interaction with your current users but also helps you attract new players who have not yet tried your game," expressed [b]SHIFT UP.

What is [​i]GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE[​/b][/i]?

Although the South Korean company has just skyrocketed with [b][​i]Stellar Blade[​/b][/i], the truth is that it has been in the industry for years and has released 3 games. Precisely [b][​i]GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE[​/b][/i] was the second.

It is a [b]gacha game that officially debuted in November 2022 and as a good service game, it has continued to evolve. In fact, it is one of the games of this kind that generates the most money month after month.

Its theme is very peculiar, as it is a very generous cover shooter game whose main attraction is fan service (even more than [​i]Stellar Blade[​/b][/i]), but that doesn't mean it lacks character development and a formidable story, which is why many fans have requested an anime and can already enjoy comics and more content and experiences.

SHIFT UP is working to make an anime of GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE a reality
SHIFT UP is working to make an anime of GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE a reality

"Despite its short history compared to other game companies, the company [[b]SHIFT UP] already has 3 successful IPs, [b][​i]Destiny's Child[​/b][/i], [b][​i]GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE[​/b][/i], and [b][​i]Stellar Blade[​/b][/i], and is conducting IP-based businesses not only through games but also animations and products continuing expansion efforts".

It should be noted that this is a project that should not be taken for granted, but it was mentioned that it is still in talks. We will keep you informed.

Would you like the [b][​i]GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE[​/b][/i] anime to become a reality? What would you like it to be about? Tell us in the comments or on Discord.

You can find more news related to SHIFT UP by visiting this page.

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