“It's a mess”, sources say this Xbox game is in serious development problems

Recent reports on the title are not at all favorable

“It's a mess”, sources say this Xbox game is in serious development problems

Recent reports on the title are not at all favorable

Xbox has major projects in development on its hands. Some of them have been in production for years and we haven't heard anything about them in a while. According to recent reports, one of their titles is going through serious development problems.

Several sources claim that Perfect Dark, a title from The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics, is going through a bad time. It is even said that its development is a disaster, so there is not much optimism about the results. As expected, Xbox fans are worried, as the news comes just after the closure of several Bethesda studios.

Perfect Dark's development is going through a difficult time

Is Perfect Dark in development hell?
Is Perfect Dark in development hell?

Since 2022 there have been reports claiming that Perfect Dark has had a hit and miss development. Xbox has stated on several occasions that all is well with the project; however, the claims of a complicated development cycle just won't stop.

This week, journalist Jeff Grubb claimed that Perfect Dark is going through a complicated time in its development phase. The source recalled past reports and added that the outlook does not look promising.

“I've been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state. It sounds like it's in a very rough state. It doesn't sound like it's come together in any way since [being announced] and Crystal Dynamics coming on board,” said Grubb.

Liam Robertson, of Did You Know Gaming, commented similarly on his social media. He wasn't very positive either, describing the project as a disaster. Because of this, Xbox and franchise fans are once again worried about the state of the game.

“From what little I have heard about the development of the new Perfect Dark, it sounds like a future video in the making. Just a big, protracted mess,” Robertson commented.

The title was revealed in December 2020 and, since then, we haven't heard anything about it. Many expect it to be present at the upcoming Xbox Games Showcase; however, nothing has been confirmed. Its developers have not commented on the recent reports.


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