This is SIMA, Google's AI that plays video games as well as a human does

The AI was trained with No Man's Sky, Valheim and more popular titles

This is SIMA, Google's AI that plays video games as well as a human does

The AI was trained with No Man's Sky, Valheim and more popular titles

Google recently revealed details about a project called Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent (SIMA, for its acronym in English). It is an artificial intelligence that, using natural language, can follow instructions and execute a variety of actions in video games and 3D virtual environments.

Currently, the AI is capable of playing video games as if it were a human. This was made possible by training involving popular titles and their developers. SIMA is still in development, so it is expected that its gaming skills will be better than humans in the future.

Google has an AI capable of understanding and playing video games

According to the details, SIMA is able to understand virtual environments and execute various actions of all kinds, just as if it were a human. The team in charge of this initiative explained that it is a feat for an AI to learn how to play a video game, but they want to go further and make them able to understand what happens in the worlds of the titles and follow specific instructions.

The AI was trained with games such as No Man's Sky, Teardown, Valheim, Satisfactory and Goat Simulator 3, where it learned to execute all sorts of actions, such as flying a spaceship, making a helmet, using various menus and much more.

"SIMA is an AI agent that can perceive and understand a variety of environments, then take actions to achieve an instructed goal. It comprises a model designed for precise image-language mapping and a video model that predicts what will happen next on-scree", explained its creators.

Currently, the AI has mastered about 600 basic video game skills and actions. This has been possible because it has been trained with various virtual environments that are very different from each other. The aim of this project is not to create an AI that masters video games.

The researchers hope that SIMA and its advances will help boost the use of video games as testing grounds and, at the same time, improve the understanding of artificial intelligence systems for all kinds of uses. Below you can watch a video showing AI in action:


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