One of the best PlayStation exclusives could be coming to PC soon

Sources say Sony will confirm a long-awaited port in a few days

One of the best PlayStation exclusives could be coming to PC soon

Sources say Sony will confirm a long-awaited port in a few days

It's no secret that PlayStation wants to expand and go beyond its consoles. The company has bet big with major releases for PC, which have had a decent reception on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

All indications are that PlayStation is cooking up more PC ports. According to recent reports, one of the most popular and beloved exclusives of the brand will finally make the jump to computers very soon. We are referring to Ghost of Tsushima.

Port of Ghost of Tsushima for PC would be revealed soon

Is Ghost of Tsushima coming to PC? Port would be announced in a few days
Is Ghost of Tsushima coming to PC? Port would be announced in a few days

According to insider Shpeshal_Nick, it's only a matter of a short time before we get news about Ghost of Tsushima coming to PC. The Sucker Punch title was critically acclaimed by critics and gamers alike, and soon became one of the most outstanding PlayStation 4 exclusives.

The insider assured that we will soon have news about the release of Jin Sakai's adventure on computers. Specifically, he stated that the announcement should come next week, around March 5. It is speculated that it will be a one-off announcement and will not be part of an event.

While PlayStation has released important exclusives on PC, the reality is that it has given no hint about the arrival of Ghost of Tsushima on computers. However, it is worth remembering that such a port appeared in the Nvidia leak that happened in 2022.

Due to the brand's current strategy, it would not be at all strange to learn that a port of Ghost of Tsushima for PC is almost ready for its reveal. If confirmed, the game would arrive on Steam and the Epic Games Store, just like other PlayStation releases.

As we told you, Ghost of Tsushima became quite a popular franchise. For such reason, currently there is a movie still in production and, it is said, that Sucker Punch is already working on a sequel. However, the second project mentioned has not been confirmed.


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