PS6 and the next Xbox would have something in common that gamers won't like

Insider believes the next consoles won't thrill everyone

PS6 and the next Xbox would have something in common that gamers won't like

Insider believes the next consoles won't thrill everyone

The current generation of consoles still has things to offer, but it is no secret that Sony and Microsoft are already working on PlayStation 6 and a new Xbox, respectively. One insider worried gamers with his recent statements, as he claimed that those systems and other future consoles will have something in common that won't be to everyone's liking.

Future consoles will offer few improvements or will be expensive

Kepler, an insider specializing in all things AMD, spoke about the future of consoles. He stated that the big companies will face even more problems in maximizing their profits throughout the entire life cycle of their systems.

In this regard, PlayStation 6, the next Xbox and future consoles would share something that will not please gamers: they will either offer very little additional performance over their predecessors or be high-priced systems.

The insider revealed that the price of certain components has not changed for quite some time and, on the contrary, they are expected to increase over time. So companies will have to decide between reducing performance to lower costs or delivering a more powerful system with the risk of having to sell it at a high price.

"Cost per transistor has remained flat through FinFETs and will go up with GAAFETs/CFETs. The days of free cost savings with die shrinks is over and things will only get worse. Future consoles will either have increasingly smaller performance gains or significantly higher prices," the insider stated.

Reports claim that Sony wants PlayStation 6 to be the most powerful console of the next generation, so some gamers are already worried about the possible price of the console. On the other hand, it is said that Microsoft is preparing 2 systems: a standard console and a handheld, which would have a lower price.

While Kepler is a good source, the reality is that there is no way to corroborate their report at this time, so we recommend that you take it as a rumor. It's worth mentioning that neither Sony nor Microsoft have officially revealed details about their upcoming consoles.

AMD insider is not positive about future consoles
AMD insider is not positive about future consoles


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