Is Halo coming to PlayStation? Clue confuses and divides gamers' opinion

Reports claim that several games of the saga will go multiplatform

Is Halo coming to PlayStation? Clue confuses and divides gamers' opinion

Reports claim that several games of the saga will go multiplatform

Everything indicates that Microsoft will change the strategy and course of Xbox to bet on multiplatform releases. It is even said that some of its most iconic sagas, such as Halo, will come to PlayStation at some point.

Will it really happen? Gamers recently found a clue that, on the one hand, confused some players. On the other hand, it completely divided the opinion of the community, which still has doubts about Microsoft's alleged decision.

Vacancy makes fans believe that Halo will come to PlayStation

A vacancy from Microsoft caught the attention of all gamers, as it is related to Halo and its future. The company is looking for an experienced lead game system designer to collaborate with 343 Industries on its next project.

One requirement in particular was the one that alarmed and divided community opinion. It specifies that the chosen one must set clear goals to deliver "a high-quality, cohesive experience for all players, on all platforms."

Some gamers believe that this message somewhat confirms the arrival of Halo on other systems such as PlayStation. However, some people believe that by "all platforms" it simply refers to Xbox, PC and the cloud.

As expected, this vacancy detail generated all sorts of commentary related to recent reports about Xbox's change in strategy. Rumors claim that Halo Infinite and Halo: The Master Chief Collection are among the titles that will become multiplatform.

It is important to remember that neither Microsoft nor Xbox have confirmed these releases. However, we do know that next week they will be holding a special event to talk about their future, suggesting that major changes are on the way.

Will Halo be coming to PlayStation?
Will Halo be coming to PlayStation?


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