Switch 2: Nintendo Would Avoid Shortages and Resale with This Smart Decision

The Japanese company's new system is expected to debut this year.

Switch 2: Nintendo Would Avoid Shortages and Resale with This Smart Decision

The Japanese company's new system is expected to debut this year.

All rumors and reports point to the release of the successor to Nintendo Switch this year, and information about the console is starting to paint a picture of what might be in store for us at its launch. The expectation for the new system is high following the global success of the hybrid console, but so is the specter of hoarding and resale. However, it seems that the Japanese company has taken this into account.

Nintendo Would Prevent Scarcity and Resale of Its New Console

Takashi Mochizuki, a reporter from Bloomberg, shared more information related to the recent report where the company Omnia revealed Nintendo's plans to purchase a significant amount of LCD screens for this year. This immediately refers to the launch of Switch 2, but recent details indicate that the Japanese company would be covering the market at launch with no less than 10 million units, considering the supposed purchase of the same amount of screens.

Switch 2 would start with over 10 million units available in the market
Switch 2 would start with over 10 million units available in the market

Nintendo Would Prepare at Least 10 Million Units of Switch 2 for its Launch

In this regard, it is pointed out that 10 million units for the fiscal year of Switch 2's launch, coupled with the end of the crisis in chip manufacturing and distribution, are considered by Nintendo as the ideal environment for the debut of its new console, as the Japanese company's goal would be the ease of purchasing it without any hindrance.

In recent years, hoarding and resale have wreaked havoc with the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X, but both consoles suffered the impact of the pandemic and disruptions to their manufacturing and production lines. Nintendo would not face this situation, and given the high hype for the new console, it would not be surprising if the company decides to release 10 million Switch 2 units to ensure availability in the market and in favor of the user.

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