Konami and Limited Run Games announced this week Felix the Cat and Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked, collections with classic installments of the franchises. A detail of these announcements is that they were not confirmed for Xbox.
Faced with this, gamers questioned Limited Run Games about the absence of versions for Microsoft consoles. The company was direct and explained that their sales are not good on Xbox, because the digital format predominates, they bet on physical releases and do not have the digital distribution rights.
Limited Run Games comes clean and says it doesn't sell well on Xbox
Josh Fairhurst, executive manager of Limited Run Games, responded to criticism from gamers demanding versions of Felix the Cat and Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked for Xbox consoles.
He explained that the sales they usually have on Microsoft systems do not justify the investment of a physical release. He added that Xbox users prefer the digital format, while the situation is different on PlayStation and Nintendo, where they reach their share of physical sales without a problem.
Now, why won't the collections also arrive in digital format on Xbox? Limited Run Games revealed that they don't have the digital distribution rights to the games and therefore it's not business for them.
"If we could count on selling 5,000+ of a title physically on Xbox, we could justify the ports without a digital stake, but we only sell those kinds of numbers on PlayStation and Switch. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Xbox gamers are digital first.
"It's not that we can't develop Xbox ports or that we're too cheap to do it, it's that we don't earn anything on the game digitally. Physical game sales are not high enough on Xbox to offset our development costs, so we have no option but to skip Xbox on these titles," Fairhurst revealed.
Another member of the company stressed that they are not the digital distributor of the collections and that the physical option is not a profitable option. For that reason, they can't do anything to meet the demand of Xbox gamers.