Hideki Kamiya left PlatinumGames due to a loss of trust and differences with the company

The creative no longer agreed with the direction the studio had taken

Hideki Kamiya left PlatinumGames due to a loss of trust and differences with the company

The creative no longer agreed with the direction the studio had taken

One of the surprising pieces of news in the video game industry this year was Hideki Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames. The creative did not explain the reasons for leaving the studio, but today he finally broke the silence.

Until now, the creative had not elaborated on the reasons for his decision to leave the Japanese studio he helped form; he had only said that it was due to "some differences" and that it was best to leave.

However, in a new interview, Kamiya delved deeper into what led him to make that decision and how his colleagues reacted.

Why did Hideki Kamiya leave PlatinumGames?

Kamiya explained that the main reason for his decision was the loss of trust, which occurred due to a difference in the beliefs of the creative with those of the studio.

"My work at PlatinumGames was based on a relationship of trust with the company," Kamiya said. "I decided to leave because I felt that the direction the company had taken was different from my beliefs as a developer. Without that element of trust, I couldn't continue working there, so I left to continue working in the way that I consider right."

Kamiya's response is somewhat ambiguous, but he explained that it has to do with the way he makes games, hinting that PlatinumGames no longer gave him the opportunity to develop them as he considered correct.

Hideki Kamiya and PlatinumGames no longer shared the same ideals
Hideki Kamiya and PlatinumGames no longer shared the same ideals

"I don't see games as products but as works of art. I want to put my craftsmanship into games and offer games that can only be made by Hideki Kamiya, so that players can enjoy games by Hideki Kamiya exactly as they are. I decided to leave the company and forge my own path to continue making games that reflect the developers who made them," the creative added.

He revealed that he made the decision after talking to his longtime colleague Atsushi Inaba, the head of the studio. While the two differed in their ways of thinking, Kamiya refers that they talked and both were satisfied with the conclusion they reached.

Hideki Kamiya regretted not being able to work with his colleagues at PlatinumGames

The reaction of the developers at the studio, however, was different. Some development teams were sad, and there were those who talked to the creative in private and some even cried, and others expressed to him that they considered his decision somewhat irresponsible.

"I never took my role in the company lightly, but I realized at that moment that they trusted me more than I imagined. The fact that many of the team were sad made me think deeply about it. Some of them told me that they came to work at PlatinumGames because they wanted to work with me specifically," the developer confessed in the interview with IGN.

However, he made it clear that he does not regret having made the decision to leave the studio.

"I think it was the right decision, and it was a decision I made out of respect for my own position as a developer. However, it makes me sad to think that I will no longer be able to work with the staff on my team. I'm sorry for that," the creative expressed.

What do you think of Hideki Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames? Let us know in the comments.


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