Director of Super Mario RPG Wants to Make a Sequel Before Retiring

Chihiro Fujioka has a gameplay idea he would like to implement

Director of Super Mario RPG Wants to Make a Sequel Before Retiring

Chihiro Fujioka has a gameplay idea he would like to implement

Nintendo recently released the remake of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, which longtime fans fondly remember. The director of the original game was not involved in the remake but has the aspiration to work on a sequel to mark his retirement from game development.

Chihiro Fujioka is one of the two directors of the SNES title that Square and Nintendo released in 1996. He also worked on more Mario games, such as Mario & Sonic and several iterations of the Mario & Luigi RPG subseries.

Director Wants to Work on Super Mario RPG 2

The developer was present in an interview with MinnMax, and what caught much attention is that he confessed that he would love to return to Super Mario RPG-style games to create a completely new installment.

Although the idea of working on any new installment of the Mario RPG subseries would be welcome, the creative director made it clear that he would much prefer to work on a sequel specifically to Super Mario RPG.

Chihiro Fujioka doesn't want to retire without returning to Super Mario RPG
Chihiro Fujioka doesn't want to retire without returning to Super Mario RPG

"In my career, I've been involved in a bunch of games, and, you know, I really would like the last one to be another Mario RPG," confessed Fujioka. "I think [the] Mario & Luigi [subseries] is great, but I'd like to go back and create a Super Mario RPG where you only control Mario."

However, when asked if he had ideas for a possible sequel, Fujioka limited himself to saying "that's a secret." Therefore, for now, we won't know if the creative director's dream will come true or if he has attempted to convince Nintendo to revive this series with a new game. It would be necessary to see if the remake sells well enough to ensure continuation.

We will keep you informed.

Would you like Nintendo to continue the Super Mario RPG subseries? Tell us in the comments.

Super Mario RPG is available on Nintendo Switch.

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