Xbox signs major alliance to bring this popular service to more countries

More gamers will be able to enjoy multimedia content from their consoles soon

Xbox signs major alliance to bring this popular service to more countries

More gamers will be able to enjoy multimedia content from their consoles soon

For several generations, consoles have been entertainment centers that allow us to enjoy all kinds of multimedia content. Xbox wants its players to have access to their favorite series and movies through their consoles, so it recently made an important alliance with Paramount.

Thanks to this, the Paramount+ app will be available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One in more regions. While the app is already available for download and use on consoles in some countries, it remains inactive in others. Fortunately, this will change soon and benefit gamers.

Paramount+ to come to Xbox consoles in more countries

Microsoft and Paramount signed a deal to push series and movie service over Xbox consoles. So it's only a matter of time before Paramount+ will be available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One in even more regions.

According to the details, the app will be launched in several countries such as Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Brazil and other regions in Latin America.

Angela Heckman, vice president of international streaming and business development at Paramount, said that this alliance will help them reach key markets around the world and, thus, more audiences.

While there is no exact date for Paramount+ to launch in more territories on Xbox, this is excellent news for gamers, who will have another alternative to enjoy the Halo series and other attractive productions on the service.

Paramount and Xbox sign alliance that will benefit gamers
Paramount and Xbox sign alliance that will benefit gamers


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