Activists Disrupt a Street Fighter 6 Tournament and Ruin the Final with a Protest

According to early reports, the group Just Stop Oil is responsible for the incident

Activists Disrupt a Street Fighter 6 Tournament and Ruin the Final with a Protest

According to early reports, the group Just Stop Oil is responsible for the incident

Year after year, esports are growing in popularity, making gaming competitions more popular and attracting the attention of thousands of fans worldwide. Unfortunately, the increase in popularity makes these events a target for protesters looking to promote their message.

Back in mid-October, we reported that 3 activists from the environmental group Just Stop Oil interrupted a professional TEKKEN 7 tournament at EGX 2023, one of the largest gaming events in the UK. Their goal was to protest and send a message to the authorities.

Unfortunately, the FGC (Fighting Game Community) was once again the target of such protests. This time, a Street Fighter 6 competition experienced a similar moment during the past weekend while the grand final was taking place.

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Environmental Activists Disrupt Street Fighter 6 Tournament and Protest with Paint

The Capcom Pro Tour 2023 continues, with top players from around the world competing for a chance to win the impressive prize of $1 million. The third Offline Premier event took place from November 3 to 5 in Paris, France. Surprisingly, what made headlines had nothing to do with the fighting video game.

During the Grand Final of Street Fighter 6, where Chris Wong and MenaRD faced off, protesters evaded security and took to the stage to splatter the screens with paint. Of course, the match between professional players had to come to an abrupt halt.

In videos circulating on social media, you can see the security team apprehending the intruders who disrupted the tournament. This all happened while players, spectators, and commentators reacted with astonishment and confusion.

Pro player and commentator Femi “FWord” Adeboye, who was commentating on the Chris Wong and MenaRD match when the incident occurred, provided an update on social media. It appears that members of the activist group Just Stop Oil stormed the stage to protest.

"For those of you tuning in to watch Chris Wong vs. MenaRD in the grand final, we're taking a 10-minute break, and there are 7 minutes left now. I think Just Stop Oil just stormed the stage and threw paint on the main screen. I don't know why they target FGC events. Seriously, is that their aim? We're trying to grow," the commentator commented on his personal Twitter account.

Femi Adeboye revealed that, due to the alleged environmental activists splattering paint in the venue, the tournament had to pause while the team replaced the screens.

Street Fighter 6 commentators trying to understand what happened
Street Fighter 6 commentators trying to understand what happened

Unlike the incident that took place at the TEKKEN 7 competition, Just Stop Oil did not claim responsibility for the Street Fighter 6 tournament protest. Since the messages on the protesters' shirts are illegible in the videos, it's difficult to say with certainty whether this activist group is responsible for the incident.

After the disruption, Chris Wong defeated MenaRD in the Grand Final and secured his spot in the Capcom Cup X, which will open its doors in February 2024.

What are your thoughts on these kinds of protests? Let us know in the comments.


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