Users criticize Xbox for advertising Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 when turning on their console

The franchise now belongs to Microsoft and the company had already anticipated this practice

Users criticize Xbox for advertising Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 when turning on their console

The franchise now belongs to Microsoft and the company had already anticipated this practice

Advertisements are inevitable and if all communication and entertainment platforms have shown one thing, it is that they will have, sooner or later, commercials, after all advertising revenue helps pay the bills. The experience in video games is also goes there[/url], but at this time and for the most part it is self-referential advertising, that is, typical of the sector. However, there are those who question this type of model and today Xbox had to be in the dock.

Advertisement for Modern Warfare 3 on the Xbox home screen bothers users

A few days before the premiere of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, Xbox was quick to take advantage of the hype of its brand new acquisition, but the proposal was not liked by all its users. According to reports, an advertisement inviting the new installment of the franchise to pre-sale appeared surprisingly when they turned on their consoles and as soon as they connected to the Internet, a process that is carried out automatically. This is pop-up advertising, that is, it jumps out suddenly to show the product to be promoted.

Surprise advertisement for Call of Duty Modern Warfare III on Xbox
Surprise advertisement for Call of Duty Modern Warfare III on Xbox

Are commercials here to stay on Xbox?

The announcement divided opinions among Xbox users as some pointed out that it was not a big deal, while others considered that this could be the beginning of new practices of this type that go beyond video games in addition to criticize that the promo covers the entire screen. Even journalist Jez Corden, from Windows Central, pointed out a publication on Twitter in | X that today could be Call of Duty and tomorrow a Starbucks commercial.

On the other hand, some users criticized Xbox for putting this type of ads in its home interface because they consider it unfair and invasive since their experience is not free since they paid for a console, paid for video games or paid for subscription services. .

Likewise, reports indicate that, at least, the surprise announcement of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III does not appear if the console has a restriction for minors.

Personally, I can point out that so far I have not encountered the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III pre-sale announcement when turning on my console or when entering or exiting applications and games. However, this has happened to me on previous occasions. The first of them was prior to the launch of Starfield with an advertisement that appeared unexpectedly inviting me to buy the base game or the Premium edition, while the second was a few weeks during the premiere of Forza Motorsport.

It should be remembered that Sarah Bond, recently appointed president of Xbox , touched on the topic of ads in the past and acknowledged that Microsoft does is interested in commercials as a means of monetization, but they would ensure that these are not invasive or affect the gaming experience.

What do you think about the pop-up ads that appear on Xbox? Can these types of ads be tolerated or are they a preamble to something more invasive?

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