Iconic PlayStation studio to lose 15-20% of employees, report says

Sources revealed details of another alleged wave of layoffs at the company

Iconic PlayStation studio to lose 15-20% of employees, report says

Sources revealed details of another alleged wave of layoffs at the company

The news about PlayStation has not been encouraging during the last few days. There have been reports of several waves of layoffs and the departure of key executives in a short period of time. Now, a new report claims that another iconic PlayStation Studios team will lose a significant number of workers. We are referring to Media Molecule.

Media Molecule to be impacted by layoffs

According to GLHF (via VGC), Media Molecule will suffer a wave of layoffs and lose between 15 and 20% of its staff. According to details, the studio held an internal meeting recently, where it was communicated that there are plans to lay off between 20 and 135 employees.

The studio is known for its work on LittleBigPlanet, Tearaway and Dreams, its most recent project. In April of this year, the developer was without its co-founder Mark Healey, who left his post after 17 years.

On the other hand, Dreams stopped receiving support since the beginning of September, as Media Molecule is already working on a new project that has not yet been revealed. It is unknown what impact the layoffs could have on the development of that game.

At the time of writing, neither PlayStation nor the studio have commented on the report about the layoffs. We'll have to wait for an official statement to know more about it.

Media Molecule to suffer major layoffs soon
Media Molecule to suffer major layoffs soon


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