This adorable dog plays video games and will speedrun a classic Nintendo game

Unusual player to demonstrate his skills at Games Done Quick 2024

This adorable dog plays video games and will speedrun a classic Nintendo game

Unusual player to demonstrate his skills at Games Done Quick 2024

Games Done Quick 2024 is near and gamers are very interested in the speedrun event for a curious reason: an adorable dog named Peanut Butter will be playing video games and trying to break a record at the event.

Yes, you read that right, the shiba inu mascot is able to play several NES titles. Peanut Butter is preparing to be one of the stars of Games Done Quick 2024, where he will play a Nintendo console classic.

Peanut Butter is a classic game speedrunner
Peanut Butter is a classic game speedrunner

Video game playing dog to break records at GDQ 2024

You're probably wondering how Peanut Butter can enjoy various video games and even do speedruns of them. Well, it's all because his owner trained him to do it. JSR_ is a streamer and speedrunner who decided to share his passion with his pet.

JSR_ wanted to train his dog to do something special from a young age. That's how he started teaching him to play NES titles. To do so, he used a special controller designed so that Peanut Butter can press its buttons following various instructions from the streamer.

The shiba inu will demonstrate his skills in Games Done Quick 2024 with a game of Gyromite, an NES title designed to be played with R.O.B., the peculiar Nintendo robot. The canine already has several videos where he shows his skills, but this will be the first time he will be at a live gaming event.

JSR_ assures that the controller they use does not have a special configuration or anything like that, so they stick to the operation of a conventional controller and the normal mechanics of the game.

Games Done Quick 2024 will take place from January 14 to 21 and, without a doubt, Peanut Butter will be one of its stars. Below you can see some videos showing the adorable dog playing:


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