Nintendo Switch 2: Activision emails leak details about the console's potential

Documents reveal that the studio received information about the hardware and wants to bet on it

Nintendo Switch 2: Activision emails leak details about the console's potential

Documents reveal that the studio received information about the hardware and wants to bet on it

The Switch's successor is still a mystery; however, there are more and more leaks about Nintendo's new hardware. Now, official documents from Activision Blizzard revealed details about the system, including information about its potential.

It all came to light thanks to internal emails that were used in the Microsoft and FTC case. The documents reveal that Activision Blizzard met with Nintendo in December 2022, a month in which they exchanged information about the new hardware.

How powerful will Switch 2 be? Activision documents give valuable clue

According to the details, Bobby Kotick and other Activision executives met with Shuntaro Furukawa and his Nintendo team to discuss details about the Switch NG (New Generation), a name that refers to the Switch's successor.

While most of the document is redacted as it contains confidential information, it reveals valuable details about the console's potential. Thanks to this, we know that Switch 2 will perform similarly to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

"Given the closer alignment to Gen8 platforms in terms of performance and our previous offerings on PS4 / Xbox One, it is reasonable to assume we could make something compelling for the NG Switch as well. It would be helpful to secure early access to development hardware prototypes and prove that out nice and early," states the Activision document.

Nintendo and Activision already talked about Switch 2
Nintendo and Activision already talked about Switch 2

Switch 2's potential is an open secret

This is not the first time we hear details about the potential of Switch 2. In fact, previous information was not entirely confidential. During a meeting with the FTC in June, Bobby Kotick himself revealed that the system will be as powerful as a PS4.

On the other hand, recognized insiders claim something similar, as they believe that Switch 2 will be close to PS4 and Xbox One, but that it will also have some features that will bring it closer to current-generation consoles. There is talk of support for DLSS, ray tracing and reduced loading times.


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