E3 has lost one of its organizers and its 2024 edition is in doubt

ReedPop will no longer work with ESA on the video games event

E3 has lost one of its organizers and its 2024 edition is in doubt

ReedPop will no longer work with ESA on the video games event

E3 is going through the worst moment in its history, as the most recent editions of the event were a failure and others were canceled due to force majeure. The future of the video game fair is still uncertain, as this morning it lost one of its organizers.

ReedPop, in charge of PAX, formed an alliance with the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) to take E3 to a new level; however, things have not gone as expected. As such, ReedPop announced that it will no longer work with the association, so the 2024 event is in doubt.

The problems for E3 don't stop
The problems for E3 don't stop

ReedPop leaves E3 and 2024 event uncertain

The ESA has not canceled E3 2024, so the event is still on at least for now. However, the association assured that, if the meeting becomes a reality, it will not take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center, where the fair is usually held.

According to the details, the ESA and ReedPop reached an agreement to conclude their relationship after the failure of the recent editions of the event. Sources say the ESA really has its sights set on E3 2025, an edition with which it hopes to reinvent the show and inject new life into it.

ReedPop thanked the ESA for the opportunity and said it will be keeping an eye on the evolution of E3 in the coming months. For its part, the ESA thanked the organizing company for its support.

“We appreciate ReedPop’s partnership over the past 14 months and support their ongoing efforts to bring industry and fans together through their various events.”

“While the reach of E3 remains unmatched in our industry, we are continuing to explore how we can evolve it to best serve the video game industry and are evaluating every aspect of the event, from format to location. We are committed to our role as a convenor for the industry and look forward to sharing news about E3 in the coming months,” said ESA president and CEO Stanley Pierre-Louis.


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