"You should consider Attack on Titan", responds the creator of Vinland Saga to criticism

Makoto Yukimura talks about the reduction of violence in his work

"You should consider Attack on Titan", responds the creator of Vinland Saga to criticism

Makoto Yukimura talks about the reduction of violence in his work

There are different proposals in the world of anime that have captivated the community for telling original and well-crafted stories. One of them is Vinland Saga, which premiered its second season this year, dividing opinions. Now, its creator has just responded to fans who criticized the reduction of violence in the plot and gave them an interesting recommendation.

Vinland Saga already has a new season confirmed
Vinland Saga already has a new season confirmed

As you probably know, the author of Vinland Saga is Makoto Yukimura, who is celebrating 24 years as a mangaka and celebrated it at the past San Diego Comic-Con, where he had the opportunity to talk with the media.

One of the interviews he had was with ANN, so he took the chance to talk about different topics related to Vinland Saga and the opinions he has received from the community about the reduction of violence in the story starring Thorfinn:

"If you like my story for its violent aspect, at some point, I may not be able to meet your expectations. If you really want to read about things like violence, you should consider Attack on Titan", the Japanese recommended.

Eren's story is known for its moments full of violence
Eren's story is known for its moments full of violence

Furthermore, he wanted to clarify that he listens to all the suggestions from the community, but there are times when he can't incorporate them into his work:

"I actually do hear comments from the fans saying that they like Thorfinn from back in the day. What happened to him? He's only farming! I hear their complaints, though, at the same time, I cannot help it. Sorry" Yukimura said.

As you could see, the author invited all fans to watch Attack on Titan if they want significant moments of violence, as everything indicates that his work will relax in that aspect for its third season.

What do you think of the mangaka's words? Tell us in the comments.

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