Cheaters in Call of Duty will be trolled and experience hallucinations

Everything seems normal in the gaming session, except for a small but significant detail

Cheaters in Call of Duty will be trolled and experience hallucinations

Everything seems normal in the gaming session, except for a small but significant detail

Cheaters are a nightmare in gaming, and despite the efforts of companies to keep them at bay, they always find a way to make their presence known in online sessions. Perhaps the solution is not in banning and punishing them; maybe it lies in responding to them in the same way, and that's what will happen in the online environment of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.

Cheaters in Call of Duty will get a taste of their own medicine

Today, the Team Ricochet division responsible for online security and combating cheaters in Call of Duty (via VGC) announced their update, which aims to deal with these bad players in a peculiar way. Initially, it was reported that the "quicksand" strategy, which slowed down the cheater's movement, will no longer be applied as it had an impact on the overall gaming experience, which was unfair to other players.

Now, cheaters in Call of Duty will have to deal with hallucinations, as you can read, because the security system update works with a new applied strategy that functions from different angles. First, if a player using identified cheating software is detected, they will see characters on the map that are only perceptible to them. The movements have been made as similar as possible to the control of a real player so that the cheater thinks they are under attack or have opportunities to eliminate an opponent, but it's actually a hallucination in the game because only they, and not others, can see it.

At the same time, this security system will come into play if suspicious activity is detected from a player who is not identified as a cheater, so hallucinations will appear if the software they are using has a reputation for cheating. If it yields positive results, the game will continue as if nothing happened, with the hallucination posing as real characters, while the cheater is flagged in the game.

Stay tuned, at LEVEL UP.



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