The only submarine that can rescue Titan, lost on the way to the Titanic, is owned by Gabe Newell

Titan's location remains a mystery and time is running out

The only submarine that can rescue Titan, lost on the way to the Titanic, is owned by Gabe Newell

Titan's location remains a mystery and time is running out

One of the most shocking news in recent days is that the privately-owned submarine that descended to see the remains of the Titanic is still missing. The crew and vehicle have not yet been found and time is running out. Now, a new update once again connects this case with the gaming world.

Unfortunately, Titan, the name of the submarine that traveled to the bottom of the ocean, is still missing and the oxygen supply is expected to run out in the next few hours. Since this news came to light, the coast guard and other special forces have conducted investigations and searches to determine what happened and locate the crew.

A submarine owned by Gabe Newell could reach Titan, the lost vehicle in the ocean

Search trips are particularly complicated due to the extreme depths where the underwater vehicle is believed to be. There is only one submarine that could reach that area of the seafloor: the DSV Limiting Factor. It is notable that this submersible is owned by Gabe Newell, Valve's head and founder.

While Gabe Newell is a figure that we immediately associate with the PC gaming world due to his successful Valve platform, he also manages other businesses. As indicated by the portal We Got This Covered, he runs Inkfish, an ocean exploration organization that, in an unexpected twist, owns and operates the DSV Limiting Factor.

According to reports, this submarine is the only underwater vehicle that has reached the deepest points of the 5 oceans on planet Earth. It even visited the ruins of the Titanic, the same place where the Titan submersible was headed on its tourist trip.

Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that, if it reaches there, the Limiting Factor can rescue the crew onboard the lost vehicle. That said, locating its whereabouts could be useful for collecting more information about this case.

Recent reports revealed that the lost submarine that descended to see the remains of the Titanic was operated by a generic video game controller. This fact seemed to be the first red flag in this case that, unfortunately, could end in tragedy in the next few hours.


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