Square Enix wants to release AAA games more frequently after Final Fantasy XVI

The Japanese company has a plan to improve its offerings

Square Enix wants to release AAA games more frequently after Final Fantasy XVI

The Japanese company has a plan to improve its offerings

The high production values of AAA games, in many cases, have turned them into projects that require years of development and millions of dollars. Currently, it is common to wait 3-5 years for a high-quality release (at least in the promise), but in Square Enix's case, there are plans to change this as the company seems to want to rely on its own franchises to move forward.

Video relacionado: Final Fantasy XVI - Trailer


During Square Enix's recent financial report (via The Gamer), the company revealed that it plans to release AAA video games with high production values more frequently after the release of Final Fantasy XVI. According to the Japanese company, an important part of its new strategy is for successful online games (like Final Fantasy XIV), as well as other sources of income, to finance the development of large games by focusing on areas that allow for faster creation and release without sacrificing quality.

In that sense, Square Enix defines the video games that are within this plan as HD projects, including its major releases as well as different proposals such as Octopath Traveler.

After the release of Final Fantasy XVI, Square Enix will focus on important releases such as the second part of Final Fantasy VII Remake and the new entry in the Kingdom Hearts series. While the Japanese company has worried its fans with mentions of NFTs and blockchain, games as a service and its interest in conquering the western market by leaving behind purely Japanese content, there still seems to be some hope for those accustomed to the company's style.


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