The age rating for a potential new Silent Hill game, Silent Hill: The Short Message, has disappeared

Was the project cancelled?

The age rating for a potential new Silent Hill game, Silent Hill: The Short Message, has disappeared

Was the project cancelled?

While Konami announced the return of the Silent Hill franchise in 2022 with several projects in development, it seems that one of them might be in trouble.

In total, three games were revealed: Silent Hill f, Silent Hill: Townfall, and the remake of Silent Hill 2. However, there is another unofficial project reportedly in development that Konami did not mention: Silent Hill: The Short Message.

Despite no official announcement, Silent Hill: The Short Message gained attention as it was even classified by a Taiwanese organization, leading many to believe it was a new entry in the series.

However, after Konami did not confirm it at their event, doubts were raised about its existence, and unfortunately, the outlook is not very positive for those who had hope.

As noted by industry insider Dusk Golem, the registration for Silent Hill: The Short Message is no longer available in the organization's database. As the user points out, this can be taken in two ways.

The optimistic view is that the registration was disabled due to a change in the release date, while the pessimistic view is that the registration was removed because the project was canceled altogether.

Fans fear it's the latter, as much material from the project was leaked (including a supposed synopsis) but never officially shown by Konami, leading many to believe they had abandoned plans for it.

It's important to note that Dusk Golem had prior knowledge of Sakura, another purported Silent Hill project that Konami took down for copyright infringement. The material suggests it was a company project, though it's unclear if it's part of Silent Hill f or Silent Hill: Townfall, leading some to speculate it could be a demo for Silent Hill f or possibly even Silent Hill: The Short Message (though Dusk Golem never heard the latter name associated with Sakura).


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