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From the moment Friday arrives, we can almost consider it as the beginning of the weekend and one of the best ways to enjoy these days is by playing a variety of titles for free.
Xbox has always kept this in mind so every Thursday it updates its Free Play Days catalog in which several paid games are accessible for free until Sunday of the same week with exclusive use for Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members.

There are four titles available this weekend Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, WRC Generations, Dead by Daylight, and Cities: Skyline – Xbox One Edition. You could play these games starting today as this selection runs from Thursday, March 9 at 12:01 a.m. PDT until Sunday, March 12 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.
But this time there is an exception with the previous games as Rainbow Six Siege will be available for a whole week, until Thursday, March 16 more specifically.
As explained in today's official article, first you must "find and install the games on each of the individual game details page on Clicking through will send you to the Microsoft Store, where you must be signed in to see the option to install with your Xbox Live Gold or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership.
"To download on console, click on the Subscriptions tab in the Xbox Store and enter the Gold member area to locate the Free Play Days collection on your Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S."
These games will not only be available to play for free in their standard versions, but they will have a great special offer that will make them much more accessible if you want to improve your Gamerscore by continuing the stories that each one offers. The offers available are as follows:
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege
Standard Edition (Free Play Days)
Extraction Deluxe Edition ($49.99 SRP) at 20% off: $39.99
Extraction United Bundle ($59.99 SRP) at 60% off: $23.99
WRC Generations – The FIA WRC Official Game
Standard Edition ($39.99 SRP) at 50% off: $19.99 (Free Play Days)
Fully Loaded Edition ($49.99 SRP)
Dead by Daylight
Standard Edition ($29.99 SRP) at 50% off: $14.99 (Free Play Days)
Silent Hill Edition ($49.99 SRP) at 20% off: $39.99
Ultimate Edition ($69.99 SRP) at 20% off: $55.99
Cities: Skyline – Xbox One Edition
Standard Edition ($39.99 SRP) at 75% off: $9.99 (Free Play Days)
Premium Edition 2 ($69.99 SRP) at 75% off: $17.49
Mayor’s Edition ($99.99 SRP) at 75% off: $24.99
In case you missed it: The Epic Games Store platform has revealed the next free title you will love to play
This is the end of the weekly Free Play Days section that Xbox offers to its Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members. If you are eligible to enjoy these titles you better start installing one or all of these titles and play them before you run out of time.
Which of the three games are you looking up to playing the most? Let us know in the comments!