The Wolf Among Us 2 gets delayed until 2024

Developers have a good reason to take this extra time

The Wolf Among Us 2 gets delayed until 2024

Developers have a good reason to take this extra time

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There is bad news for gamers, as the first delays of the year are already here. Telltale Games announced that one of its most anticipated titles will not arrive this year as planned. We are referring to The Wolf Among Us 2, a sequel that has been in the oven for several years and has faced several problems.

Kevin Bruner, executive manager of the studio, explained that the team has made the difficult decision to postpone the launch of the game to achieve the quality quotas they are looking for, but above all to avoid a very common practice in the industry.

To begin with, the development of The Wolf Among Us 2 switched from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5, so some things need to be redone and that will take time. At the same time, the developers want to meet the expectations of the fans, so they will take the necessary time to create the sequel.

In this regard, they also want to avoid crunch at all costs. For these reasons, the sequel will not arrive this year and is now planned for sometime in 2024. The studio will reveal more details when they feel ready, as they want to avoid a disastrous and rushed launch.

"Making games is difficult and they need time to be right. And it doesn't do any of us any good to ship something that's not ready. If we put this game out and it's not ready, we're going to get torn to shreds. The expectations are pretty high, and we want time to meet those and we want to be proud of it and know that

"I've done [crunch], and I don't want to do it again, and it's not fair to ask it. You can't plan a business around it. So yeah, part of it is about maintaining a healthy work culture." the executive said.

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The decision made by Telltale Games is undoubtedly a complicated one to take. Many fans have been waiting for the release of this great game; fortunately, the community response to this announcement was very positive and empathetic, so we all hope the best for the development team and take the time needed to finish this great title.

Do you also think this is the right decision to finish the game properly? Let us know in the comments!



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