ChatGPT solves a recent Fortnite mystery

The AI was able to decipher a teaser in seconds

ChatGPT solves a recent Fortnite mystery

The AI was able to decipher a teaser in seconds

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Epic Games has already released the first clues about the next season of Fortnite. As always, the company seeks to generate expectations, so it published mysterious messages in code for players to decipher. Someone had the idea of using artificial intelligence to do so and got very good results.

The studio published a message full of numbers that seem to make no sense to the naked eye. So one of the most famous Battle Royale data miners decided to use ChatGPT to decipher the secret hidden behind that message. The results surprised the community, as the AI revealed it in seconds.

HYPEX decided to test ChatPTG to solve a cryptic message that Epic Games posted on social networks dedicated to Battle Royale support. In it, it notifies about maintenance tasks, but adds some mysterious numbers that caught the attention of all players: "3 18 1 3 11 20 8 5 3 15 4 5."

The data miner asked ChatGPT what the cryptic message meant and, to his surprise, he gave a very convincing answer. The artificial intelligence claimed that each number represents a letter, according to its position in the alphabet.

With this clue, the AI deciphered the message in seconds: "Crack the code." While this clue does not say much about the future of this Battle Royale, it is an important teaser related to a recent event and gives an idea about the possible theme of the next season.

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Surely, Epic Games will release other similar messages in the coming days and players will most likely turn to ChatGPT again to decipher them. Fortnite is available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and mobile.

Can you guess the meaning of this hidden code? Let us know in the comments!


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