Is this Pokémon Sleep? Clues suggest early reappearance of mystery project

A new interesting trailer reveals something unexpected

Is this Pokémon Sleep? Clues suggest early reappearance of mystery project

A new interesting trailer reveals something unexpected

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Next week will be very special for Pokémon fans not only because the franchise will be 27 years old, but also because The Pokémon Company will hold a commemorative event full of announcements and hints suggest that could include information on a forgotten game in the series.

We are talking about Pokémon Sleep, a proposal that rather than being a traditional game would be an experience in the Quality of Life branch of games, which judging by the original information, would be related to the activity of sleeping.

Unfortunately for lovers of the series or sleep, nothing has been said since then (2019) and the only information has been unofficial through ambiguous and strange patents that made you think that the project was closer to its cancellation than a comeback. But apparently, The Pokémon Company might be ready to talk once and for all about the mysterious project and we say this for a couple of reasons.

Today the trailer of the animated short was released, which shows beautiful scenes in which a boy visits the places we told you about and that appear in the poster, strongly suggesting a relationship with dreams as if he were continuing his game sessions, taking the leading role in the dreamlike plane and you can even see that someone accompanies him.

Yes, for the moment we know that Pokémon: Journey of Dreams will be an animated short, but it is not ruled out that it could be linked in some way to Pokémon Sleep, the project that The Pokémon Company announced years ago and about which almost nothing has been said since then. It's not unreasonable to think that at Pokémon Presents on February 27, Pokémon Sleep will reappear with more details and a more robust product or service to complement the animated short that will debut the following day.

So far, this project is announced for China, but it is very likely that it will rather have a worldwide release, not only because projects of this kind reach all over the world, but also because at the bottom the credits refer to Nintendo, Creatures and Game Freak as owners of the brand and not just the company's Chinese regional division.


The other clue was pointed out by Twitter user CentroLeaks and relates to the project's site. According to the user, the Pokémon Sleep web domain redirects to the official Pokémon Presents announcement next Monday, suggesting that's where the reveal will take place.

While the web domain may not belong to The Pokémon Company CentroLeaks and Reddit user Alice_June report that the site was originally acquired by an agency that Nintendo and The Pokémon Company work with that previously held patents for the project.

In case you missed it: It is confirmed! Mortal Kombat 12 to arrive this year

Fortunately, the wait won't be long to see what the Pokémon: Journey of Dreams short film is about and if it is linked to Pokémon Sleep. Stay tuned on LEVEL UP next Monday to find out about the Pokémon announcements to be shared on Pokémon Presents.

Do you think this trailer will reveal a brand-new game? Let us know in the comments!



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