Fans believe Fortnite and Overwatch 2 will have a collaboration soon

A recent Battle Royale item divided the opinion of gamers

Fans believe Fortnite and Overwatch 2 will have a collaboration soon

A recent Battle Royale item divided the opinion of gamers

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Some players believe a Fortnite and Overwatch 2 crossover will happen soon because of a recent item that arrived in Battle Royale. We refer to the Hamster Cabbie spray that, for many, has a clear reference to Blizzard's shooter.

On it, you can see an adorable hamster that was compared to Hammond, the hero of Overwatch 2. Moreover, the community believes that the Fortnite spray is very similar to one related to the Blizzard character. As you can see below, the similarities really catch the eye.

Because of this, various data miners and leakers are speculating on a possible collaboration. Fans of the titles are excited by the idea, so they hope it's actually a hint. However, not everyone is convinced of this.

While the idea of a crossover between the two franchises excites many, the reality is that nothing is confirmed. On the other hand, there are also no more clues pointing to a possible collaboration between Fortnite and Overwatch 2.

Several players think that someone at Epic Games was simply inspired, perhaps too much, by Hammond and his spray. Because of this, expect the Battle Royale developers to clarify the situation in the coming hours. At the time of writing, the studio has not said anything about it.

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If you are interested in playing Fortnite and is your first time trying it out, keep in mind that it is available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, and mobile.

Do you think this crossover will be happening soon? Let us know in the comments!



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