The PlayStation event State of Play is announced to happen soon

Jeff Grubb says it's gonna be a "low-key State of Play"

The PlayStation event State of Play is announced to happen soon

Jeff Grubb says it's gonna be a "low-key State of Play"

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The year began with highlights from Xbox and Nintendo; however, PlayStation has yet to give any indication of an imminent presentation. Things could change very soon, as a very reliable source claimed that a State of Play is just around the corner.

Jeff Grubb, a journalist at Giant Bomb, backed up recent rumors of a State of Play and added that Sony is also working on a PlayStation Showcase. Although this is good news, the source asked fans to control their expectations for a good reason.


According to Grubb, the next State of Play will take place in about 1 month, but for now, he doesn't have the precise information. So, the presentation would take place sometime in March to reveal new features that would arrive in the first half of the year or a little later to Sony consoles.

“There’s going to be a State of Play here pretty soon, so there’s going to be even more games announced!” Grubb stated. He added that gamers should control their expectations, as it won't be a head-scratching presentation. So he recommended them to lower their hype from now on.

“Don’t get your hopes up too high,” says the journalist. “Apparently it’s going to be a pretty lackluster, pretty low-key State of Play.”

He then revealed that Sony is already preparing another surprise for its gamers: a new PlayStation Showcase, which would take place sometime this summer. It is important to note that, at the time of writing, Sony has not confirmed any of the events.

Despite the above, it is clear that the company must be preparing something to cover the coming months with attractive releases. So we will have to be patient and wait for more information. Below you can listen to Grubb's statements, right at the 1:09:22 mark.

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At the moment we can take the information we have obtained and consider that the next State of Play will not show any big announcements, or we may not even have any sequels in development. Still, we can take this information as something to make fans have low expectations and show us all a surprise announcement at the end, but only time will tell what will happen with the PlayStation and its upcoming events.

What are your thoughts regarding this following State of Play edition that will happen soon? Let us know in the comments!



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