3-year-old boy shows off his Call of Duty skills and causes controversy

People have different opinions on the matter

3-year-old boy shows off his Call of Duty skills and causes controversy

People have different opinions on the matter

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There is a viral video that is on the lips of many Call of Duty fans. It shows a boy of only 3 years old playing Call of Duty: Mobile with great skill. This caught the attention of many people and controversy soon followed.

Many believe that the boy is too young to play and that, if he does, he should not have access to a saga designed for adults because of its high level of violence. This opened an interesting debate with different points of view.


Some fans of the franchise were surprised by the child's ability, as they believe he has a lot of potential despite his young age. In the video, the child is seen playing on a tablet with total naturalness, which makes it clear that he has spent quite a few hours with the saga.

"If I knew that a 3-year-old boy annihilated me in COD, I'd stop playing forever," one gamer jokingly stated. The controversy came shortly after the child's mother made a comment in the video that was not well received.

"I wonder how people would feel if they knew a 3-year-old was playing Call of Duty with them," the woman wrote. This sparked anger from some people who believe that the lack of supervision is too much and that parents should be aware of the effects of playing video games in such a way at such a young age.

Likewise, there was criticism of parents for letting their child enjoy games aimed at an adult audience. "It's a big NO for me. I should be playing Barney games at this age," one person stated in response.


Yahoo News Australia (via Dexerto) contacted Ofir Turel, a professor at the University of Melbourne who is an expert on the relationship between behavior and technology. He revealed that a child so young should not be exposed to a screen in such a way, as it can impair their cognitive development. He believes that in this case, the youngster has spent enough time in front of the tablet, as his skills make it clear.

"Playing COD at this level obviously requires practice. The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends zero screen time at ages 0-2 and one hour per day of selective screen time, i.e. of educational programs, at ages 2-5," the expert said.

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From a medical point of view, we can consider that it is not healthy for the child to be exposed to video games yet, which we should consider more important as it may affect him in the future in a gradual way. For now, we can only hope that the youngster will not be affected in any way in his next stages of growth and development.

What are your thoughts regarding this situation? Let us know in the comments!


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