Most Xbox Series X|S owners consider it a secondary console, survey says

Experts assure that Game Pass has not yet harmed Sony's exclusive strategy

Most Xbox Series X|S owners consider it a secondary console, survey says

Experts assure that Game Pass has not yet harmed Sony's exclusive strategy

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Gaming is a luxury hobby in which only some can have more than one console to play; however, even if they have all the free time in the world, they can only dedicate the same time to some of their video game platforms. This is why a UK research firm researched it and found that most Xbox Series X|S owners see it as their secondary console.

Recently, Ampere Analysis, a market research firm, was surveyed in the UK. He found that 71% of respondents who own a PlayStation 5 with a disc drive consider it their primary console.

This figure contrasts with those surveyed who have an Xbox Series X or an Xbox Series S. We say this since the percentage that considers them their main gaming platform drops to 48% and 35%, respectively. For their part, only 49% of surveys with a Switch see the hybrid as their primary gaming platform.

Now, what about the owners of the PlayStation 5 digital edition? Only 43% of them see it as their main console.

All this means that PlayStation 5 owners are more likely to spend more time on that console because it is their favorite or simply because they don't have another. It also shows that many consumers are investing in an Xbox console to use as an Xbox Game Pass machine. It also lets us see that the cheapest models of each console are serving to attract the attention of people who usually spend less time in those ecosystems.

“In a market where most gamers play multiple consoles, even from different brands, the role of 'main console' has huge implications for user monetization, lifetime value, and market share. ”, Ampere Analysis mentioned in its report.


An analyst from Ampere Analysis believes that Game Pass still needs to manage to conquer PlayStation users.

"These are early days, but it suggests that Sony's exclusives strategy and brand strength has not been substantially upset by the Game Pass strategy (at least in the UK)," he noted.

And you, what do you think about the results of this survey? What is the console that you consider to be your main one? Tell us in the comments.


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