Bayonetta 3 welcomes update 1.2.0 and Niflheim difficulty is lowered

Here's everything you need to know about it

Bayonetta 3 welcomes update 1.2.0 and Niflheim difficulty is lowered

Here's everything you need to know about it

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Following the announcement of Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon, the team at Platinum Games is continuing with the post-launch support dedicated to the Witch of Umbra's latest adventure. Indeed, the Japanese software house has made available Bayonetta 3 update 1.2.0, which introduces several changes to the experience.

New content and changes

Prominent among the latter is a reduction in the difficulty level offered by many of Niflheim's levels. The changes apply to every mode of Action enjoyment, from Casual to Expert, and include time limit extensions and an increase in the number of lives available to players.

Update 1.2.0 also acts on some specifics of Bayonetta 3's combat system, with new activation windows provided for Viola's parry and Witch Time. Further refinements and adjustments also involve demonic summons and charged attacks offered by the Simoon and Tartarus weapons.

The Best Action of 2022 also sees the process of obtaining the Tricolor Keys needed to unlock the Old Picture Book greatly simplified. Once access to the Gates of Hell has been gained, the tools will automatically become available on the chapter selection screen.

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Additional changes include an improvement in camera handling and some revisions to the balance. Finally, Platinum Games takes action on some bugs still present within Bayonetta 3.

Are you ready to try all these new features? Let us know in the comments!


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