Silent Hill 2 Remake: between fidelity to the original and small innovations

Bloober team recently spoke about the upcoming title

Silent Hill 2 Remake: between fidelity to the original and small innovations

Bloober team recently spoke about the upcoming title

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While waiting for Konami to officially unveil more details about Silent Hill 2 Remake, the development team working on the project released new information during an interview.

Anna Jasińska, Chief Marketing Officer of the Bloober Team, answered some questions from the DreadXP editorial staff, revealing some interesting details about the game.

What we learned from this interview

More specifically, one of the main topics of the interview concerns the balance between fidelity to the original game and the inevitable innovations that such a title requires. In this regard, the Bloober Team exponent confirmed that the story will be faithful to the original and that the main innovations will concern gameplay: one of the most noticeable changes is the change of the camera, which is now behind the protagonist's back.

This does not detract from the fact that the software house's touch on the story will be felt, and, according to Anna Jasińska, some scenes will be scarier than in the original game. There was also talk of changes being made to specific areas, as some would not have worked in a modern video game. In short, the remake will be very faithful to the original but will not lack some new features.

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Jasińska also explained how Konami entrusted the project to the team: it seems that the Japanese company proposed to Bloober Team the creation of a concept during the 2019 Tokyo Games Show. Once the idea was proposed, it was appreciated by the original series's creators. Thus, it seems that all the changes to the gameplay have been welcomed from the start by the creators of the IP.

Do you think this team will do justice to the legendary title? Let us know in the comments!


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