Nintendo Switch 2 getting ready for production?

New rumors pop up

Nintendo Switch 2 getting ready for production?

New rumors pop up

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Once again, there is talk about the rumored Nintendo Switch 2, i.e., the console on which the legacy of the Japanese giant's hybrid console will rest. This time, a well-known Japanese journalist linked to Famitsu released the information.

Unverified rumor
Unverified rumor

The rumors make sense

The rumor, which cannot be confirmed at the moment, is expected to cover the next issue of the Eastern magazine. According to the latest information leaked on the web, reporter Zenji Nishikawa has reportedly revealed that Nintendo is making the first moves to kick off production of its next-generation hardware.

The reporter, who mainly covers technology, has reportedly learned from his source that a leading figure in semiconductor manufacturing in America has recently traveled to Japan. Again according to the journalist, this 'super VIP' has visited Japanese territory very few times, and his company has always supplied Nintendo with the production of its consoles.

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If all this is true, it would mean that something is moving and that it may not be long before the announcement of the gaming machine that will replace Switch, probably between late 2023 and early 2024.

Do you think this console will be announced this year? Let us know in the comments!


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