Fumito Ueda, new game after The Last Guardian: author hopes for 2023!

genDesign is working hard to announce something

Fumito Ueda, new game after The Last Guardian: author hopes for 2023!

genDesign is working hard to announce something

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For now, the only clues available to the public regarding genDesign's activities are the release of a series of concept art from Fumito Ueda's new game.

After captivating fans with the poetic tales woven into Shadow of the Colossus, ICO and the unforgettable The Last Guardian, the videogame author is quivering to present his next creation.

Fumito Ueda's next title
Fumito Ueda's next title

What we know so far

Development work, however, seems to have been slowed down considerably by the international health crisis, to the point that, as of yet, not even the title of genDesign's creation has been released.

Despite the difficulties, Fumito Ueda is looking forward to 2023 with optimism. Interviewed by the editorial staff of Famitsu, the creative assured that the software house is finally working at full capacity to raise the curtain on the project. "All of genDesign is working hard to be able to finally announce something," Ueda said, "so please continue to give us your support.

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Could 2023 be the right time to make a first acquaintance with the heir to The Last Guardian, ICO and Shadow of the Colossus? Fans of the franchise should be excited about upcoming news.

Have you played this fantastic series? Let us know in the comments!


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