Super Smash Bros: what lies ahead for the Nintendo series?

Sakurai considers retirement

Super Smash Bros: what lies ahead for the Nintendo series?

Sakurai considers retirement

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The popular fighting game Super Smash Bros fans have been shocked by recent reports that the series creator, Masahiro Sakurai, is considering retirement.

Apparently, the developer has been feeling increasingly burnt out and is considering stepping down from his role as the Super Smash Bros series director. While no official announcement has been made, many speculate on what this could mean for the franchise's future.

What will happen if he retires?

Sakurai has been a driving force behind the Super Smash Bros series since its inception, and his departure could potentially leave a significant hole in the series' creative direction. However, it's worth noting that Sakurai has previously hinted at the possibility of retiring, only to return to the series later.

If Sakurai does decide to retire, it's unclear who could potentially take over the reins of the Super Smash Bros series. Some fans have speculated that the series could continue with a new creative team. In contrast, others have suggested that it could go on hiatus until a suitable replacement for Sakurai can be found.

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In any case, the news of Sakurai's potential retirement has sent shockwaves through the Super Smash Bros community, and fans will be eagerly awaiting any updates on the future of the beloved series.

What do you expect from this franchise in the future? Let us know in the comments!


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