VALORANT confirms the first LGBT couple of its cast of agents

We show you the fans reaction

VALORANT confirms the first LGBT couple of its cast of agents

We show you the fans reaction

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The official VALORANT Twitter account shocked many fans with some unexpected art revealed yesterday.

The reason for this is because VALORANT has confirmed that two members of its agent roster belong to the LGBTQ+ community. Raze and Killjoy, popular characters from the tactical shooter, are a couple. In the image we can see both characters giving each other a kiss.

As expected, the publication received a large number of reactions on Twitter, with a little more than half a million likes and 92,000 comments.

Here you can see it:

At the moment it is not clear if Riot Games has plans to show us more about the romance between Raze and Killjoy in a promotional video. We will be on the lookout and we will inform you when we know more about it.


As you could see, the comments and opinions with the publication of VALORANT are very diverse, however, in general there is a lot of acceptance for this incredible news that the game gave us.

What's your opinion about it? Tell us in the comments.

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