Twitch brings the new Shield Mode feature to prevent hate raids

More safety for your streams

Twitch brings the new Shield Mode feature to prevent hate raids

More safety for your streams

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The Twitch community is growing year by year, and with this has also come some issues that streamers can't deal with easily. The hate raids are an issue that, unfortunately, some people experienced, and it is still happening to this day.

Today Twitch has announced a feature that will help content creators protect their live streams and keep them safe from a massive amount of negative comments that could occur at any moment.

How does it work?

You can2 23:43:43 GMT][/updateEntity] configure all these settings as you prefer, and you can choose the most suitable options based on your community and have it prepared to use with one click only. You can even set the chat to Follower- or Sub-Only among other existing options.

According to the full article, there are new customizable controls that can be activated with one click to protect yourself from hate raids.

You can configure all these settings as you prefer, as you can choose the most suitable options based on your community and have it prepared to use with one click only. You can even set the chat to Follower- or Sub-Only, among other existing options.

More new features are introduced!

Now we will have Bulk Ban and No First-Time Chatters as possible options to enable when having the Shield Mode active.

Regarding the Bulk Ban, Twitch explains that "while Shield Mode is activated, you'll be able to input specific terms or phrases then mass ban all users who recently used those words in chat."

And No First-Time Chatters is exclusive to Shield Mode only and it "will let you prevent anyone from chatting if they haven't previously chatted in your channel. We hope it will be a powerful way to help block harassment in your chat."

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Twitch is constantly updating its platform to keep streamers and viewers safe. They listen to the community's needs and try to bring new features that allow both content creators and their audience to have better in-stream interaction. We can expect the following years to be full of new great features and make it the best streaming platform.

What do you think about these changes in Twitch? Let us know in the comments below!


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