GTA online servers bans NFTs and Crypto

Not the first and hopefully not the last

GTA online servers bans NFTs and Crypto

Not the first and hopefully not the last


NFTs and Crypto fever is going down slowly, however, they are still present in some places like video games, this doesn’t mean that every game support this… A very long while ago we shared with you how Mojang drew a line to this model by banning NFTs inside of their game, this time seems like Rockstar has followed a similar path by banning any NFT and Crypto related transactions from the Grand Theft Auto Online servers.

In case you missed it: Epic won’t ban NFTs according to Tim Sweeney

They don’t want any of that crypto stuff

In a new and updated entry on their  “legal enforcement policy” for Grand Theft Auto Online, the company tried to clarify what can be done and what not on the role-playing servers. To begin with, these RP servers allow players to play pretend to have a life inside the game (hence the name role-playing).

A bunch of stuff has been commercialized through the GTA Online servers and Rockstar wants users to stop. From licensed music to deals for loot boxes and NFTs, the company is making clear that by now they are not allowing any player to sold virtual currencies, generating revenue via corporate sponsorships or in-game integrations, or use cryptocurrencies or crypto assets within the game.

Before you panic, no, this doesn’t mean the RP community will disappear or is going to be over-monitored, as said by Rockstar themselves:

“Rockstar Games has always believed in reasonable fan creativity and wants creators to showcase their passion for our games. Third party “Roleplay” servers are an extension of the rich array of community-created experiences within Grand Theft Auto that we hope will continue to thrive in a safe and friendly way for many years to come.”

To be fair, all of this seems to point to Rockstar preferring to disassociate itself from any issues that may arise with users involved in crypto exchanges and all things blockchain related. We don't blame them, we wouldn't want an uproar in our community over it either.



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