Star Wars Eclipse wil introduce a new race, according to a report

Further expanding the vast universe of the franchise

Star Wars Eclipse wil introduce a new race, according to a report

Further expanding the vast universe of the franchise

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Now is time to talk about Star Wars Eclipse, one of the many video games on the way based on the beloved franchise created by George Lucas a few decades ago. Unfortunately, we have no news from the publisher Lucasfilm Games or the developer Quantic Dream, but from an unofficial source.

The news comes this time from Sacred Symbols' report (paywalled, transcribed by VGC), which covers some interesting aspects of the upcoming game.

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A new race and a political conflict

To start things off, Sacred Symbols host Colin Moriarty comments that the game is not yet in production. Of course, among other things, that means that we will have to wait a long time to be able to play it.

According to some documents that the podcast apparently has in its possession, the game is being co-written by Adam Williams and David Cage, who in the past has collaborated with Quantic Dream.

“Materials seen by this podcast describe a so-called Project S, with a character named Sarah as the lead. Sarah is described as an athletic 30-something and is a member of a human-like race. This race is at the lead of some sort of empire called The Zaraan, a race not seen in Star Wars before.

“It prides itself on political and military aggression and similar to what you find elsewhere in Star Wars there’s little differentiation between males and females when it comes to roles and responsibilities. But, there’s an interesting wrinkle, when Zaraan marries, their nuptials carry interesting military implications as they become one governing unit that works together.

“This is a problem, because Sarah, a fanatical true believer in the violence and criminality regularly demonstrated by her empire, is married to a character named Xendo, who is a far softer touch. Part of the game seems to revolve around these two characters and their relationship.”

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Star Wars Eclipse will take place 200 years before Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. This “empire” seemingly refers to the Zaraan faction, not the Galactic Empire that appears in the Skywalker era of Star Wars.

Since we are talking about information that comes from an unofficial source, remember to take all of this with a grain of salt.

In the meantime, here is an overview and the first trailer of the game, via Quantic Dream:

"Star Wars Eclipse is the first video game to be set in an uncharted region of the Outer Rim during The High Republic era, known as the golden age of the Jedi. The game will build upon Quantic Dream’s expertise in delivering deeply branching narratives and will go beyond their already established acclaim. Player’s choices will be at the heart of the experience, as every decision can have a dramatic impact on the course of the story."

As of this writing, it is unknown on which platforms Star Wars Eclipse will be available, and there is no official release window.

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