Here is everything announced at the Silent Hill Transmission!

Oh boy… there was a LOT to talk about

Here is everything announced at the Silent Hill Transmission!

Oh boy… there was a LOT to talk about

To be fair when the Silent Hill Livestream was announced we weren’t expecting the number of announcements that we got, nonetheless we are extremely happy with everything Konami showed.

As you may already have noticed, we have different articles for each of these announcements where we go deep into them however here is your bite-size summary of the live stream in case you are lazy.

Silent Hill 2 remake coming to PS5 and PC!

You read that one right, the fan-favourite Silent Hill 2 is getting a remake. As rumoured before, the title is confirmed developed by Bloober Team a studio known for their horror videogames such as  Layers of Fear, Observer, and The Medium.

The game has an incredible graphic update as it's made on Unreal Engine 5. Last but not least the remake is scheduled for a PlayStation 5 and PC launch with a 12-month exclusivity period.

Sadly there is not an exact release date yet, in the meantime enjoy its first teaser trailer:

Annapurna and No Code bring to you Silent Hill Townfall

With an extra cryptic teaser trailer, Silent Hill Townfall was announced. Without showing much we can hear a male voice speaking about a place where the protagonist will be judged for his actions.

If you are not familiar with both studios, No Code is known as the author of Stories Untold and Observation while Annapurna Interactive is known for the wildly acclaimed cat-game Stray and Outer Wilds. Again, neither the launch window nor the intended platforms were mentioned.

Silent Hill: Ascension shows the world of Silent Hill like never before

Prepare for the very first interactive video streaming experience in the Silent Hill series of the hand of Genvid, Behaviour Interactive, Bad Robot Games and dj2 Entertainment which have joined forces to bring you a completely different experience.

According to the announcement, this title will be providing a collective and participatory horror experience where you can’t go back after making a decision as there is no reset button.

A new movie its in the works!

Not everything were video-game announcements, during the streaming we learned that the long-rumoured new Silent Hill movie is a reality and will be called Return to Silent Hill.

In a video message that felt more like a behind-the-scenes of the project, director Christopher Gans, known for directing the first film, and producer Victor Hadida shared everything that their team have in store for us with storyboards and key visuals from the movie.

Silent Hill f, the horror arrives in Japan

Last but not least, the announcement that hyped fans the most was Silent Hill f a new title that will take us to Japan in the 1960s. This story will offer us the terror we are already used to but with eerie graphics and the always unsetting paranormal Japanese schoolgirl horror.

Software house Neobards Entertainment is in charge of the project, with Konami playing the role of publisher. Also was announced that Japanese writer Ryukishi07 will be in charge of the script, Kera will handle creature and character design and former Nintendo employee Motoi Okamoto will be a producer, so expect great things from this title.

Konami genuinely surprised us with all the announcements and we are for sure completely interested in everything the franchise has to offer.

What do you think of what's to come for Silent Hill? Remember to share your thoughts in the comments below!


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