Blizzard is preparing Overwatch 2's first update

Balancing heroes, maps and many more

Blizzard is preparing Overwatch 2's first update

Balancing heroes, maps and many more

After the craziness that accompanied the release of Overwatch 2, Blizzard is already preparing the avalanche of adjustments that will come with their first update. In a new dev blog post, the team shared details on the balance changes, maps and other tweaks planned.

Here are the details

Lets begin with Hero Balance, according to the information the team is planning to make a series of balance changes for Season Two aimed to ensure the overall game feels balanced and fair while giving each season a more distinct identity.

So far, all heroes on the roster have a win-rate between 45% and 55%, however, Zarya in Total Mayhem will be adjusted in a patch coming on October 25; Junker Queen also received changes to her Commanding Shout to reduce dominance, on the other hand, Sombra adjusted her damage potential to be optimal on targets that she hacks. Doomfist,  Genji, Sojourn, Symmetra and Torbjorn are heroes currently on the radar nonetheless the team will wait until season 2 to see if they really need adjustments.

Now, the maps; this time we have a set of new locations besides the original and fan-loved maps. However Blizzard plans to rotate some maps out of the map pool and bring back others that had been previously out of rotation.

This season the following maps will be available for both Quick and Competitive Play:

  • Control
  • Ilios - Evening Lighting
    Lijiang Tower - Dawn Lighting
    Oasis - Night Lighting
    Nepal - Morning Lighting
    Busan - Night Lighting

  • Escort
  • Circuit royal – Night Lighting
    Dorado - Evening Lighting
    Route 66 - Night Lighting
    Gibraltar - Morning Lighting
    Junkertown - Morning Lighting

  • Hybrid
  • Midtown - Morning Lighting
    King’s Row - Evening Lighting
    Eichenwalde - Evening Lighting
    Hollywood - Morning Lighting
    Paraíso - Morning Lighting

  • Push
  • New Queen Street - Morning Lighting
    Colosseo - Evening Lighting
    Esperança - Morning Lighting

Lastly, if you play Overwatch 2 in a competitive setting you have probably already noticed the problems with it, don’t worry, Blizzard is already working on it, They discovered a bug that was impacting player skill ratings, which placed players in Bronze 5 when they should have been placed higher.

This tweak will help players to reach their true rank and that will be reflected the next time they receive a competitive ranking update. These are the main points and probably we should expect more for the next season. In the meantime enjoy the game!



  • Best

  • New
