Confirmed! Deathloop and Dishonored are set in the same universe

The studio's creative director confirmed the fan-theory

Confirmed! Deathloop and Dishonored are set in the same universe

The studio's creative director confirmed the fan-theory

Since its initial release a year ago, the Deathloop community has been speculating about the relationship between the game and Dishonored. Actually, a very passionate user in the subreddit made a detailed post about it a year ago and this time Arkane Studios Creative director Dinga Bakaba has confirmed their theories.

Apparently, the game’s recent arrival on the Microsoft platform opened up more chances to unveil new details. In the latest episode of the Xbox podcast Creative director Dinga Bakaba explained how both games are connected.

To begin with, the Deathloop time space is right after The Outsider’s death from Dishonored as the team wanted to know what would happen after that. However, it isn’t a linear follow-up as Deathloop is its own story, with its own character whose plot is not affected directly by the Dishonored events. Actually, Bakaba mentioned that they didn't want to make a big deal about it because of these reasons.

"There's a certain timeline to link that, and there are a lot of clues actually in the game. Some that are obvious, one of them is really spoiler-y so voila, but there is a lot of small things, and some that were under people's noses all the time, but people are just figuring out.”

On the other hand, Bakaba also explained that given the format of the game not everyone has seen the same thing in Deathloop like someone else or not everyone has heard the same song or even seen every room hidden somewhere; so there is a big chance that. There are many more clues scattered around the game for players to see.

We will leave the latest Xbox podcast video below:

As well as the Reddit post with the fan theory so you can have a little heavy reading and grasp into the Dishonored and Deathloop universe.


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