You can play Trombone Champ… with trombones!

Thanks internet!

You can play Trombone Champ… with trombones!

Thanks internet!

Trombone Champ is the newest viral game and as we had informed you before, the game is sweeping the Steam charts with a popularity that many of us couldn’t have seen coming. This time, the title has ended up in modders hands and they took the game to the level we have dreamed of since its launch. These people are trying to play Trombone Champ with… Trombones!

Creative geniuses?

New Zealander modder and streamer Rudeism is well-known for building and playing games in what he calls “bizarre” controllers, and his latest creation is a plastic-trombone controller. To begin with, he wanted to 3D print one but it will take him too long to do it; so he ended up buying one online and adapting it.

Last but not least, YouTuber Hung Truong uploaded a video showing his attempts to play Trombone Champ by adapting a smaller, soprano trombone and hooking up sensors so the controls mapped the same way as Rudeism's did. Sadly he didn’t get the results he wanted but at least he gave us a very funny yet impressive gameplay. We will leave the video below:


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